Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kicked in the hoo-ha aint no happy ending!

Yes, it's exactly how it sounds. I have spent my day being kicked in the hoo-ha. No, that doesn't sound that bad, when you think that the earthling inside me can only have so much power behind his micro-sized feet, but let me tell ya... it aint no picnic (yes, I just used "aint" and yes, there is a red line under it from spell check). I think after about the 43rd time in a 2 hr period I had a better understanding for what men go through when they are kicked in their special place. I've tried everything, standing up, sitting down, laying down, laying down with my legs in the air, laying down with my legs AND butt in the air, walking, cartwheels.... okay well, not actually, but I was contemplating it. What could he be doing in there? Seriously? Is he practicing for the olympics? Although, I'm not sure what sport... kick boxing maybe? Is that even an olympic sport? Who the heck knows.... speaking of nose, my other battle-wound today came from my blossoming and abnormally strong toddler who's head is harder than a giant diamond (in case you are uneducated in the rock thing... diamonds are the hardest rock, material... whatever i'm pregnant i can't remember the right term). Yeah, so a good-night lullaby turned into a head butting contest and ended with a possibly broken nose (I heard a crack and in my book, that's enough to call it a break... but I don't want to look like a sissy, so we'll say "possible break"). Advice of the day: Beware the forehead of a toddler, it's harder than you think!

Other than that, I have to say that the perk of my day was early this morning when, number 1, I GOT TO SLEEP IN!!! and 2, I got to indulge in a little extramarital pregnancy dream (sorry Den). In case you have no idea what that is (that could only be if you've never been pregnant), it's basically a dream on steroids... and in some cases, the passionate make-out session turns out to be a random stranger yet, it's not weird, it's just plain amazing! Thank-you hormones! Don't get me wrong, I did awake feeling slightly guilty... for a brief moment, then I hit snooze and tried to pick up where I left off. I have read that these dreams are totally normal and actually a sign of a healthy, normal, relationship, so don't go betting on divorce dates. It's a way for your super-charged hormones to get out some, eh hem... aggression? Yeah, we'll call it that. Some even come with a happy ending... so I hear. So, happy dreaming pregos!!

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